The quickest and best way to find & order the parts you need is to call our auto parts lines! High Point Auto Salvage has an expert sales staff available to assist you with finding and ordering the best used, new or remanufactured replacement parts for your car, truck, van or SUV. They will guide you through searching and ordering the parts to ensure that you not only get the best part available and at the best price, but also that you order the correct part to solve your problem.
If you are local to High Point or the Triad NC area you may choose to stop by our local parts sales office and salvage yard. You will get face to face expert parts advice from our staff and chances are great that you will walk out of our store with the parts that you need and at a price that makes you smile!
If you are searching for parts on the weekend, after normal business hours or you would simply like us to contact you, simply request a price quote by submitting our Quote Request Form. Our staff will promptly process your request and contact you ASAP with a price for your part and also the availability.